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to quartz: thanks for updates!! absolutely amazing stuff, especialy Braavos and Pentos!! It's possible to do a map of Meeren? Our next goal is map of Qarth, then we'll start Meeren.
Hi all, There was long time since I posted news about Westeros Map last time. Sorry for that, we were busy implementing many new features for the application: Maps of Winterfell and Pentos are now available for both Android and iOS users in addi…
Westeros Map for iPhone/iPad was updated to v1.4.4. This version brings fix for iOS 4.x crash bug and provides updated world map look(new images for castles, cities, towns, ruins etc). Have fun!
Staženo, nainstalováno, spokojenost veliká, ovládání klasicky super a děkuji moc za možnost vkládání českých názvů! No problem, you're welcome :) BTW, Android version of Westeros Map was recently updated and now includes map of Braavos too: https:/…
We've released version 1.4.3 of Westeros Map for iPhone/iPad. It provides the map of Braavos! Have fun!
We've started to work on Braavos sub map. It would be available in both Android and iOS version in the middle of July, 2012. Stay in touch :)
Westeros Map for iPhone/iPad was updated to v1.3.8. New version brings detailed map of Night's Watch castles over the Wall and seven new coats of arms(Umber, Reed, Allyrion, Ryswell, Hornwood, Ashford and Uller). Have fun!
Thank you all, and especially Jarla, for the help. Both Android and iOS versions with Czech translation will be available this Friday!
Can I ask: Will you make also Slovak version? Maybe it's unneccesary because there are more czech fan than slovak, but Slovak language is very similar to Czech, so you can expand your languages selection to 13 languages instead 12 :D It's not a prob…
A copak to bude až to bude ? (Jo jasně - přečetla jsem si článeček, ale raději bych nějakou polopatistickou omáčku o využití a účelu :-) ) "Westeros Map" provides ability to change the language of locations database to be used for search. It is now …
Hey guys, help with Czech translation is still very appreciated :) Please write to sergey[dot]rekuz[at]gmail[dot]com if you'd like to assist. Thanks!
Westeros Map for Android was updated to v1.6.5. It now contains detailed map of King's Landing!
Westeros Map for iPhone/iPad has been updated to v1.3.3. It brings new map mode to show places of the most famous battles in Westeros history with short descriptions(in English). Have fun! Help with Czech translation is still appreciated.
v1.3.2 for iPhone/iPad is now available on App Store. It contains highly detailed map of King's Landing available for purchase!
1.6.2 version with new pictures for Lannistport, Sunspear and White Harbor is available on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.westeros.map. It also brings Polish translation. Have fun! Help with Czech translation is stil…
1.3.0 update for iOS version with new map is now available on App Store.
1.6.0 version for Android is now available on Google Play (former Android Market): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.westeros.map Also, it would be great if someone help with translation to Czech :)
it looks very nice, but i have a problem with that app, i think it is because a have android 2.1 and it doesn´t support :( Sorry, app only supports Android 2.2+
We are preparing major update for "Westeros Map". It will contain updated landscape: forests, mountains, hills, rivers. Here is preview screenshot.
e.papik@centrum.sk APK was sent. Let me know the result please.
Orange Boston/ROM cyanogenMod 2.3.7 It may be a bug of Android Market - it sometime says that devices with CyanogenMod don't support the app while they actually do. Please email to sergey[dot]rekuz[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll send you .apk in response…
Not compatibility :( Sad to hear. What device/OS version do you have?