Question - direwolf picture

upraveno 7. října 2007 v Rozličný pokec
Hello, I`m from Poland. I don`t know your language, so i write in english. I also don`t know where I`m writing, so please forgive me if I put this topic in wrong place.

The main idea of my topic: I need a foto, picture, gif, jpg or anything else Ypu have about Wilkor. Wilkor is polish name of this big wolfs, like Jon`s Ghost. Can You help me?


  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    Hi, I guess you mean direwolves.
    Try this Discovery of The Wolf Pups by Mark Evans for AGOT RPG or Rickon Stark with his direwolf or Bran Stark with his wolf.
    There are also plenty of AGOT images in our gallery right here.
  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    Hi, as Alnag wrote, I recommend our Gallery, there should be the best pictures I know. Or try deviantART.
  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    Yes, direwolves... I don`t know this name... In Poland we say: wilkor:) I saw your gallery, but direwolves there are small... Ok, one is big, but he is dead, and I need a live, big and angry "wilkor":D
    Maybe someone can talk with me in polish? Our language is similar to yours, just look:
    Potrzebuję pięknego, dużego i groźnego wilkora, zobaczyłem kilka z nich u Was w galerii, lecz żaden mi nie pasował...
    Yes, i know that it maybe amouse you, but this is exactly polish:)
    If somebody can find another pictures, I will be pleased:)
  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    Well... if you don't mind, that the origin is not actually from A Game of Thrones, here is one D&D direwolf., or this one in face detail. Otherwise, I can't help.
    And btw. Je mi jasné, že potřebuješ pěkného a děsivého zlovlka, ale nic lepšího než je v galerii asi nebude. :-( (So, how do you understand czech? ;-)
  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    OK, you forced me to look to the Gallery...
    Grey Wind
    EDIT: It is not ideal, I last advice is GOOGLE ;)
  • upraveno 29. září 2007
    Thanks guys! You`re really great! Yours first direwolf, Alnag, it`s just what I need. If somebody of you come to Poland, I stand him a beer! But... Czech beer is better than polish! :)
    Je mi jasnéTo jasne, že potřebuješ pěknéhoże potrzebujesz pięknego a děsivého zlovlkaale żywego wilkora, ale nic lepšíhoale nic lepszego než je v galeriiniż to w galerii asi nebude.nie będzie
    :) I think that we can make ourself understood in Polish or Czech. Thank you once again! Maybe I will visit you soon, who knows:)
  • upraveno 1. října 2007
    I have several books about military in Polish and have no problem to undestand. If we spoke (and write :) ) slowly we should understand each other :)
  • upraveno 7. října 2007
    "děsiveho" is not żywego, but scary
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