Reprinty v CoreSetu

upraveno 21. června 2009 v LCG
Takže poslední dobou se už více lidí ptalo jak je to s reprinty co se vyskytují v Coresetu. Takže zde připomínám pro všechny hráče i nováčky co možná ještě neví. CoreSet je z velké části složen z reprintnutých karet, tedy z karet co už jednou vyšli ve starých edicích. Tyto karty pak byli buď upraveny aby pasovaly do novějšího stylu hry a nebo ponechány stejné. Uvádím zde tabulku, která není mým výtvorem, ale která vám hezky přiblíží jak to teda s CoreSetem je. Následující tabulka uvádí čílso karty, jméno, typ karty, raritu, číslo v CS, zkratku původní edice a nakonec typ reprintu. New card znamená že je karta uplně nová a uvidíte, že takových v CS je taky pár ale je to menšina. Dále jsou tam minor changes, tzn malé změny jako přidaný crest atp. či text changes, kdy je zejména jen lehce změněn text. Jako další možnost je tam major changes tedy změny zásadnějšího charakteru, kdy karta už neplní svoji původní funkci a nebo má uplně jinou. Poslední možností je no changes tedy beze změn, taková karta je nazývávána jako přesný reprint a je povolena hrát v našich podmínkách. Karta může vypadt jinak zejména z hlediska designu ale důležité je že po herní stránce je karta stejná.
Takže pokud vlastníte nějáké starší karty můžete je použít a stejně tak nebuďe zaskočení, když na vás soupeř nějákou takovou kartu vytáhne, neosočujte ho hned z podvodu a podívejte se jestli kartu neznáte z CS. Pokud máte pochybnosti a jde o turnaj či ligu organizátor vám vždy a rád poradí popř. rozhodne co bude dál.
A nyní už slibovaná tabulka:

# Cardname Cardtype Rarity House Card# Reprint
1 Ice Attachment F Stark S1 WES major changes
2 Nymeria Attachment F Stark S2 TOB text changes
3 Summer Attachment F Stark S3 WES no changes
4 Ser Rodrik Cassel Character F Stark S4 FOD no changes
5 Eddard Stark Character F Stark S5 WES major changes
6 Catelyn Stark Character F Stark S6 ITE no changes
7 Arya Stark Character F Stark S7 ITE no changes
8 Robb Stark Character F Stark S8 WES major changes
9 Sansa Stark Character F Stark S9 WES major changes
10 Greatjon Umber Character F Stark S10 SOS major changes
11 Shaggydog Character F Stark S11 WIN no changes
12 Hodor Character F Stark S12 SON text changes
13 Bran Stark Character F Stark S13 WES major changes
14 Grey Wind Character F Stark S14 WES major changes
15 Lady Character F Stark S15 WES major changes
16 War Host of the North Character F Stark S16 WES major changes
17 Winterfell Honor Guard Character F Stark S17 CS new card
18 Knight of the Tumblestone Character F Stark S18 ITE no changes
19 Direwolf Pup Character F Stark S19 COS no changes
20 Kennel Master Character F Stark S20 TOB no changes
21 House Tully Recruiter Character F Stark S21 WES major changes
22 Trident Reinforcements Character F Stark S22 SOT no changes
23 Winterfell Reserves Character F Stark S23 I&F major changes
24 Winterfell Kennels Location F Stark S24 CS major changes
25 Winterfell Castle Location F Stark S25 WES major changes
26 Northern Fiefdoms Location F Stark S26 VED no changes
27 Northern Fiefdoms Location F Stark S27 VED no changes
28 Lord Eddard's Chambers Location F Stark S28 ITE text changes
29 Great Keep Location F Stark S29 WES no changes
30 Great Keep Location F Stark S30 WES no changes
31 Great Keep Location F Stark S31 WES no changes
32 Godswood Location F Stark S32 WES text changes
33 Narrow Sea Location F Multiple Houses S33 ITE no changes
34 Gutter Rat's Cunning Attachment F Lannister L34 WIN no changes
35 Gilded Plate Attachment F Lannister L35 ITE major changes
36 Joffrey Baratheon Character F Lannister L36 WES major changes
37 Ser Jaime Lannister Character F Lannister L37 WES major changes
38 Tyrion Lannister Character F Lannister L38 I&F major changes
39 Cersei Lannister Character F Lannister L39 VED major changes
40 Tywin Lannister Character F Lannister L40 I&F major changes
41 Ser Ilyn Payne Character F Lannister L41 WES text changes
42 The Hound Character F Lannister L42 WES major changes
43 Chella, Daughter of Cheyk Character F Lannister L43 CS new card
44 Bronn Character F Lannister L44 SON major changes
45 Grand Maester Pycelle Character F Lannister L45 SON no changes
46 Raff the Sweetling Character F Lannister L46 TOB major changes
47 Ser Jacelyn Bywater Character F Lannister L47 SOT no changes
48 Enemy Informer Character F Lannister L48 WIN no changes
49 Qyburn's Informers Character F Lannister L49 ITE no changes
50 Cersei's Attendant Character F Lannister L50 SOT no changes
51 Lurkers at Harrenhal Character F Lannister L51 TOB major changes
52 Lannisport Steward Character F Lannister L52 ITE no changes
53 Lannisport Weaponsmith Character F Lannister L53 5KE no changes
54 Lannisport Honor Guard Character F Lannister L54 CS new card
55 Lannisport Location F Lannister L55 SOS major changes
56 Lannisport Brothel Location F Lannister L56 SOS no changes
57 Golden Tooth Mines Location F Lannister L57 WES no changes
58 Western Fiefdoms Location F Lannister L58 VED no changes
59 Western Fiefdoms Location F Lannister L59 VED no changes
60 Queen Cersei's Chambers Location F Lannister L60 ITE text changes
61 The Goldroad Location F Lannister L61 WES no changes
62 The Goldroad Location F Lannister L62 WES no changes
63 The Goldroad Location F Lannister L63 WES no changes
64 Hall of Heroes Location F Lannister L64 WES no changes
65 Sunset Sea Location F Multiple Houses L65 ITE no changes
66 Shadow's Blessing Attachment F Baratheon B66 COS no changes
67 Motley Attachment F Baratheon B67 CS new card
68 Lightbringer Attachment F Baratheon B68 WES major changes
69 Stinking Drunk Attachment F Baratheon B69 5KE no changes
70 Selyse Baratheon Character F Baratheon B70 HOTh no changes
71 Robert Baratheon Character F Baratheon B71 I&F major changes
72 Stannis Baratheon Character F Baratheon B72 I&F major changes
73 Renly Baratheon Character F Baratheon B73 VED no changes
74 Melisandre Character F Baratheon B74 ITE no changes
75 Ser Davos Seaworth Character F Baratheon B75 I&F major changes
76 Brienne of Tarth Character F Baratheon B76 VED no changes
77 Maester Cressen Character F Baratheon B77 WES text changes
78 Ser Axel Florent Character F Baratheon B78 SOS no changes
79 Edric Storm Character F Baratheon B79 COS major changes
80 Devan Seaworth Character F Baratheon B80 SOT no changes
81 Knight of the Rainwood Character F Baratheon B81 ITE no changes
82 Stannis's Northern Cavalry Character F Baratheon B82 SON no changes
83 Highgarden Honor Guard Character F Baratheon B83 CS new card
84 Old Red Priest Character F Baratheon B84 VED no changes
85 Army of the Faithful Character F Baratheon B85 VED no changes
86 Renly's Courtier Character F Baratheon B86 ITE major changes
87 Bastard of Robert Character F Baratheon B87 I&F no changes
88 House Tyrell Guard Character F Baratheon B88 WES text changes
89 Host of Storm's End Character F Baratheon B89 WES no changes
90 Robert Baratheon Character F Baratheon B90 I&F major changes
91 Dragonstone Port Location F Baratheon B91 SOS major changes
92 Stormlands Fiefdoms Location F Baratheon B92 VED no changes
93 Stormlands Fiefdoms Location F Baratheon B93 VED no changes
94 King Robert's Chambers Location F Baratheon B94 ITE text changes
95 Aegon's Garden Location F Baratheon B95 WES no changes
96 Aegon's Garden Location F Baratheon B96 WES no changes
97 Aegon's Garden Location F Baratheon B97 WES no changes
98 Great Hall Location F Baratheon B98 WES no changes
99 Narrow Sea Location F Multiple Houses B99 ITE no changes
100 Blood of the Dragon Attachment F Targaryen T100 I&F major changes
101 Poisoned Wine Attachment F Targaryen T101 VED no changes
102 Aegon's Blade Attachment F Targaryen T102 VED text changes
103 Flame-Kissed Attachment F Targaryen T103 5KE no changes
104 Bones of a Child Attachment F Targaryen T104 ITE no changes
105 Captain Groleo Character F Targaryen T105 Hota no changes
106 Daenerys Targaryen Character F Targaryen T106 CS new card
107 Khal Drogo Character F Targaryen T107 ITE no changes
108 Viserys Targaryen Character F Targaryen T108 FOD text changes
109 Rhaegal Character F Targaryen T109 I&F major changes
110 Rhaegal Character F Targaryen T110 I&F major changes
111 Drogon Character F Targaryen T111 I&F major changes
112 Viserion Character F Targaryen T112 I&F major changes
113 Strong Belwas Character F Targaryen T113 FOD major changes
114 Daario Naharis Character F Targaryen T114 I&F major changes
115 Quaithe of the Shadow Character F Targaryen T115 TOB no changes
116 Xaro Xoan Daxos Character F Targaryen T116 COS no changes
117 Jhogo Character F Targaryen T117 VED no changes
118 Brown Ben Plumm Character F Targaryen T118 SOT no changes
119 Dothraki Honor Guard Character F Targaryen T119 CS new card
120 The Titan's Bastard Character F Targaryen T120 SON no changes
121 Dany's Handmaiden Character F Targaryen T121 SOT no changes
122 Warlock's Servitors Character F Targaryen T122 WIN no changes
123 Qartheen Fanatic Character F Targaryen T123 COS no changes
124 Pentoshi Guildmaster Character F Targaryen T124 FOD major changes
125 Illyrio's Man Character F Targaryen T125 ITE no changes
126 Xaro's Home Location F Targaryen T126 WIN no changes
127 Eastern Fiefdoms Location F Targaryen T127 VED no changes
128 Eastern Fiefdoms Location F Targaryen T128 VED no changes
129 Eastern Fiefdoms Location F Targaryen T129 VED no changes
130 Khal Drogo's Tent Location F Targaryen T130 ITE text changes
131 Temple of the Graces Location F Targaryen T131 FOD no changes
132 Temple of the Graces Location F Targaryen T132 FOD no changes
133 Great Pyramid Location F Targaryen T133 FOD no changes
134 Summer Sea Location F Multiple Houses T134 ITE no changes
135 Benjen Stark Character F Neutral S135 CS new card
136 Jon Snow Character F Neutral S136 CS new card
137 Ghost Character F Neutral S137 CS new card
138 Crossroads Location F Neutral S138 VED no changes
139 Street of Steel Location F Neutral S139 WES major changes
140 Lordship Attachment F Neutral L140 TOB major changes
141 Littlefinger Character F Neutral L141 WES major changes
142 Varys Character F Neutral L142 CS new card
143 Crossroads Location F Neutral L143 VED no changes
144 Shadowblack Lane Location F Neutral L144 WES major changes
145 Milk of the Poppy Attachment F Neutral B145 WES no changes
146 Ser Barristan Selmy Character F Neutral B146 CS new card
147 Knight of Flowers Character F Neutral B147 SOS no changes
148 Crossroads Location F Neutral B148 VED no changes
149 Street of Sisters Location F Neutral B149 WES major changes
150 Bodyguard Attachment F Neutral T150 SOS text changes
151 Maester Aemon Character F Neutral T151 TOB text changes
152 Magister Illyrio Character F Neutral T152 CS new card
153 Crossroads Location F Neutral T153 VED no changes
154 Crossroads Location F Neutral T154 VED no changes
155 Distraction Event F Neutral S155 WES no changes
156 Winter is Coming Event F Neutral S156 WES no changes
157 Kings in the North Event F Stark S157 SOS no changes
158 Lethal Counterattack Event F Stark S158 FOD no changes
159 Bran the Builder's Legacy Event F Stark S159 COS major changes
160 Guilty! Event F Stark S160 ITE no changes
161 I Never Bet Against My Family Event F Lannister L161 WES major changes
162 The Lion's Will Event F Lannister L162 VED major changes
163 Insidious Ways Event F Neutral L163 WIN no changes
164 Call Their Bluff Event F Lannister L164 COS major changes
165 I'm You Writ Small Event F Lannister L165 SON no changes
166 A Lannister Pays His Debts Event F Neutral L166 WES major changes
167 You've Killed the Wrong Dwarf! Event F Lannister L167 ITE no changes
168 Muster Event F Neutral B168 SOS no changes
169 Prosperity and Plenty Event F Baratheon B169 TOB major changes
170 Lords of the Narrow Sea Event F Baratheon B170 SOS major changes
171 Retreat Event F Neutral B171 FOD major changes
172 Support of the Kingdom Event F Neutral B172 CS new card
173 Dance With Dragons Event F Neutral T173 I&F major changes
174 Forever Burning Event F Targaryen T174 WIN major changes
175 Seductive Promise Event F Neutral T175 ITE no changes
176 Westeros Bleeds Event F Neutral T176 WIN no changes
177 Distinct Mastery Event F Neutral S177 ITE no changes
178 Shae Character F Neutral L178 PR major changes
179 Distinct Mastery Event F Neutral B179 ITE no changes
180 Lady Daenerys's Chambers Location F Targaryen T180 I&F major changes
181 Summoning Season Plot F Neutral B181 CS new card
182 Mutual Cause Plot F Neutral B182 CS new card
183 Uneasy Truce Plot F Neutral B183 CS new card
184 Rains of Autumn Plot F Neutral B184 WES major changes
185 Good for the Gander Plot F Neutral B185 VED no changes
186 Tourney for the Hand Plot F Neutral B186 WES major changes
187 Fleeing to the Wall Plot F Neutral B187 SON no changes
188 Drunken Allegations Plot F Neutral L188 CS new card
189 Mutual Blackmail Plot F Neutral L189 CS new card
190 Planning Ahead Plot F Neutral L190 CS new card
191 Wildfire Assault Plot F Neutral L191 WES no changes
192 Hear Me Roar Plot F Lannister L192 WIN no changes
193 Blockade Plot F Neutral L193 SOS no changes
194 The Power of Blood Plot F Neutral L194 ITE no changes
195 Building Season Plot F Neutral S195 CS new card
196 Mutual Enemies Plot F Neutral S196 CS new card
197 Holding the Trident Plot F Neutral S197 SOS no changes
198 Calm Over Westeros Plot F Neutral S198 FOD major changes
199 Snowed Under Plot F Neutral S199 VED no changes
200 The Power of Arms Plot F Neutral S200 ITE no changes
201 Valar Morghulis Plot F Neutral S201 SOS no changes
202 Condemned by the Realm Plot F Neutral T202 CS new card
203 Counting Favors Plot F Neutral T203 CS new card
204 Power and Wealth Plot F Neutral T204 SOS major changes
205 Mad King's Legacy Plot F Targaryen T205 I&F no changes
206 Rule by Decree Plot F Neutral T206 TOB no changes
207 Noose and Swordpoint Plot F Neutral T207 SOS text changes
208 Herding the Masses Plot F Neutral T208 I&F no changes
House Stark House Card F Stark
House Lannister House Card F Lannister
House Baratheon House Card F Baratheon
House Greyjoy House Card F Greyjoy
House Targaryen House Card F Targaryen
House Martell House Card F Martell
Master of Laws Title F Neutral
Hand of the King Title F Neutral
Crown Regent Title F Neutral
Master of Whispers Title F Neutral
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Title F Neutral
Master of Coin Title F Neutral
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