[Spoiler] Vichry zimy

upraveno 22. ledna 2014 v Píseň ledu a ohně
GRRM měl v plánu započít práce na šestém dílu ságy Píseň ledu a ohně v lednu 2012. Nicméně několik kapitol, které se nevešly do Tance s draky, už má hotových.

V prosinci roku 2011 také zveřejnil první ukázkovou kapitolu, kterou si můžete díky Aruthovi přečíst v českém překladu....

Číst celý článek zde


  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    kacenace napsal(a):

    neví někdo, kdy to vyjde?

    Ako Vichry? Vraj pri šťastí všetkých Siedmych ešte v 2014, ale vieš, ako na to odpovedala Nevada, Slova jsou vítr
  • by sebou mohl trochu hodit...
  • KrisaKrisa Co může zmoknout, může zmoknout.
    kacenace napsal(a):

    by sebou mohl trochu hodit...

    Právě byl zabit další Stark :D
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Krisa napsal(a):

    kacenace napsal(a):

    by sebou mohl trochu hodit...

    Právě byl zabit další Stark :D
    Kto bude ďalší? Sansa? Žeby spadne z Hniezdočka, náš malý Vtáčik? Arya? Žeby ju prekukli? Rickon? žeby ho zožrali? Bran? Žeby ho zasadili? Alebo snáď GRRM videl do budúcnosti a toto je dôvod Jonovho osudu? Uzatvárajte stávky, kurz je jedna ku desať.
  • upraveno 5. dubna 2013
    @kacenace Naposledy GRRM řekl:"No za týden to nebude".
  • Neviem či sa to tu už objavilo ale G.R.R.M. na Boskone čítal 2 (!) kapitoly sera Barristana Selmyho z TWoW
  • Už nech ma neštve :D
  • sirPercival: Diky za odkaz super poctenicko.....sera Dedecka mam rad.
  • @SirPercival Také díky za odkaz :)
  • Veľmi zaujímavá úvaha, ktorú som našiel na jednom fóre. Otázka bola: Aké frakcie budú na konci WoW. Plno zaujímavých nápadov. Ospravedľnujem sa, je to po anglicky a je to taktiež trošku dlhšie.

    1) King Jon Stark, The New King in the North: The North, the Wildlings, and alliance with Asha Greyjoy

    Jon was technically killed at the end of ADwD: Melisandre tries to revive him through her Kiss of Life (and may have even wanted it to happen to finally gain Jon's trust), but he stays in a coma because he warged Ghost and his consciousness is still in his body. In time, Jon's spirit returns of his own accord and he comes back to life, thus baffling Melisandre, who begins to realise that Jon may be Azor Ahai. While Jon was unconscious, Bowen Marsh was executed, but the Night's Watch was nearly destroyed in the fight between the Wildlings, Stannis' troops and Bowen Marsh's supporters, thus further weakening it.

    Meanwhile, with the help of the Manderly's and by temporarily faking his death (giving up Lightbringer to Ramsay), Stannis succeeds in defeating the Boltons by tricking them into letting his forces into Winterfell; the same way Ramsay took it. Ramsay had already killed Roose and Fat Walda, along with Manderly, after believing Stannis to have been killed; Asha and Theon take part in the battle and Theon kills Ramsay.

    Hearing of the chaos at the Wall, Stannis rejoins them, only to find Galbart Glover and Maege Mormont there: with the Boltons gone, they have come to Jon to reveal Robb's will, legitimising him as Jon Stark and declaring him the new King in the North. Jon, believing himself to be the last Stark and realising that the Night's Watch (weakened as it is) no longer has any practical power left to defend the realm, Jon finally breaks his vows and accepts the crown to defend the North from the Others.

    For his aid against the Boltons, King Jon and his bannermen are willing to support Stannis' bid for the Iron Throne, but they will not grant him the North: they have declared themselves independent of the Iron Throne, have no need of Stannis and have no desire to worship the Lord of Light. Stannis considers them all ungrateful traitours, but cannot do anything to oppose the North; he tries to move against Jon, but fails and is given one last option - take the black. Melisandre, having come to believe that Jon is Azor Ahai, also abandons his cause. Realising that, despite all his efforts, no one wants him as king, Stannis finally decides to serve the realm alone and becomes the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

    At Winterfell, Jon consolidates his new reign as the King in the North and may even marry Val to bind the Wildlings to his cause; he makes an alliance with Asha Greyjoy to support her and Aeron's resistance against Euron, agreeing to support each other's mutual bids for independence. At this point, Davos returns with Rickon and Osha. Jon realises he's been tricked into becoming king by Manderly, but his other bannermen argue that they only did it because they need a firm king to unite them now, not a child. Seeing how wild Rickon has become and realising that he cannot turn back, Jon grudgingly agrees to remain the King in the North for the time being, but makes Rickon his heir. Davos is devastated and he, Queen Selyse, Shireen and Stannis' troops leave Westeros in hopes of one day seating Shireen on the Iron Throne.

    Asha heads back to the Iron Islands to try and wrest control from Euron, but before Jon has enough time to effectively prepare his realm, the Wall is overrun: the Others sweep through the North and seem unstoppable. Leading them is Stannis, now the Night's King, having embraced the power of the Others to mete out true justice.

    2) King Aegon VI Targaryen, The New King on the Iron Throne: The Golden Company, the Stormlands, Dorne, the Reach, the Crownlands, Dragonstone, the Riverlands, the Westerlands and the Vale

    With subterfuge, taking the Tyrell forces by surprise, Aegon, Jon Connington and the Golden Company are able to take Storm's End and dispose of Stannis' troops there, providing them with a powerful base of operations. Upon meeting Aegon, Arianne decides to have Dorne join them: whether Quentyn returns with Danaerys and the dragons or not, they'll be able to restore a Targaryen monarchy and destroy the Lannisters for good and resolve which Targaryen has the greater claim later. If Aegon marries Danaerys instead, there will be no problem at all and the Targaryens will still be in debt to Dorne. In truth, Arianne is becoming increasingly tempted to marry Aegon herself and become queen. Myrcella is eventually killed at the hands of Jon Connington in revenge for Rhaenys.

    With the Golden Company, forces from the Stormlands and Dorne on his side, Aegon has become a force to be reckoned with. But rather than move towards King's Landing, Aegon moves against Euron instead when he hears that the Reach is under attack from the Ironborn. By helping repell Euron's attack on Oldtown, Aegon gains the favour of many powerful houses in the Reach, such as the Hightowers, the Redwynes and the Rowans.

    In King's Landing, Cersei wins her trial against the Faith, crushing the Faith's champion (Lancel Lannister) with Robert Strong/UnGregor and thereby being declared innocent. With this and Kevan's death, Cersei manages to regain her position as Queen Regent. Meanwhile, Margaery's trial is rigged by Varys, causing her to be executed by the Faith: this leads to an all-out civil war in King's Landing between the Tyrells on the one hand and the Lannisters and the Faith Militant on the other. Still convinced that Tyrion is behind all this, Tommen is killed by Cersei herself in her madness. Jaime returns right that moment (him and Pod having narrowly escaped from the Brotherhood Without Banners thanks to Brienne) and strangles Cersei to keep her from burning down King's Landing with wildfire.

    With Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen dead and Stannis and Shireen attainted traitours, King's Landing decides to open its gates to Aegon. With all the south on Aegon's side, the Tyrells have no choice but to support his claim to the Iron Throne in order to maintain their own overlordship of the Reach. By saving Oldtown and allowing the Faith to keep the Faith Militant, they also get the High Septon on their side. Aegon is crowned King Aegon VI Targaryen. At Varys' instigation, Tyrek Lannister is installed as the new Lord of the Westerlands. After the second Red Wedding at Riverrun by the Brotherhood without Banners, resulting in the deaths of all the Freys, Aegon has the Lannisters release Edmure and restore him to the overlordship of the Riverlands, in return for his loyalty: with Catelyn dead, the Riverlands devastated and no direct blood-relation to Jon Stark, Edmure agrees to join Aegon to keep his people out of another war. Thanks to the Tyrells, Dragonstone is already in Aegon's hands as well.

    With only the North, the Vale and the Iron Islands still to bring into the realm, Aegon heads to the Vale. By then, following the death of Robert Arryn at Littlefinger's hands, Sansa has revealed herself to the Lords of the Vale: knowing his schemes and revealing he was responsible for the deaths of Jon Arryn, Lysa and Eddard, Littlefinger is promptly thrown out the Moon Door. Adored by the Vale as the daughter of Eddard Stark, the Vale Lords are pressuring her to marry Harold Hardying, though her marriage to Tyrion stands in the way. But when Aegon arrives, he and Sansa fall in love instead: Aegon is head over heels for Sansa and Sansa, despite initial reservations, realises that Aegon isn't Joffrey. Aegon also argues that Jon, as a bastard, has stolen Sansa's inheritance and that this way, they'll be able to unite the North and the South and bring peace to the realm. Varys and Jon Connington warn Aegon to save himself for Danaerys, but with practically the entirety of Westeros already under his control (and rumours that Dany has gone missing), Aegon argues that he doesn't need either his aunt or her dragons, while this will bring him the North and the Vale.

    With the High Septon's support, Sansa's marriage to Tyrion is annulled and Aegon marries Sansa. But some time later, as Aegon consolidates his reign and the south recovers from the war, the Lannister/Tyrell forces at Dragonstone are annhiliated - by dragonfire. Danaerys has arrived to claim the Iron Throne.

    3) Queen Danaerys, the Dragon Queen: Danaerys, two dragons, the Unsullied, various mercenary companies, a great force of Dothraki, countless former slaves of the Free Cities, a large fleet (comprised partly of the Iron fleet, the Volantene fleet and other ships from the Free Cities)

    With Drogon finally obeying Dany's commands, Danaerys immediately has him roast Khal Jhaqo and takes control of his Khalasar as a Khaleesi of the Dothraki: she takes them to Vaes Dothrak and forcibly unites all the Dothraki under her reign, claiming Drogon to be the Stallion that Mounts the World with herself as his rider. While lost in the wilderness, Danaerys has finally realised that she must let go of the kindness and her need to try and please as many parties as possible for the sake of peace: instead, she must destroy her enemies and embrace her family's words - Fire and Blood. With Drogon and an army of countless Dothraki screamers, Dany heads back to Meereen, hoping to break the slavers for good.

    Meanwhile, Barristan leads a succesful defense of Meereen: with Barristan's succesful charge, the Yunkai'i in disarray, Tyrion having convinced the Second Sons to side with Meereen and Victarion's fleet joining in, the Yunkai'i are initially defeated - until an army from Old Ghis arrives to reinforce them. It turns into a massive battle, with Viserion and Rhaegal fighting either sides, attracted by the blood. The battle devolves into chaos and Barristan is killed by one of the dragons. With the dragons on the scene, Victarion gives the order to blow the Dragonhorn - and dies. As it turns out, the blood on the horn marked him as the sacrifice necessary to make the magic work; instead, control of the dragon passes to the nearest kin of the sacrifice - Euron. Rhaegal departs for his new master and Tyrion, with his knowledge of dragonlore, has some success in taming Viserion. With the dragons removed from the equation, it looks like the battle might swing either way - until Danaerys arrives, routing the enemy forces with Drogon and the Dothraki.

    Danaerys takes control of Meereen again. With Barristan gone, she grudgingly allows Jorah to serve her once more. As he is the son of Tywin Lannister, she initially acts hostile to Tyrion, but his knowledge of the current state of Westeros, dragonlore, his murder of Tywin and the fact that Viserion likes him begin to make her see his uses. Furthermore, his information about Aegon has deeply concerned her and Dany quickly jumps to the conclusion that he must be the Mummer's Dragon. Now forced to act, Dany realises she must depart for Westeros, find Rhaegal and press her own claim to the Iron Throne - but not before having a word with Illyrio and breaking slavery in Essos for good. After exposing the Green Grace as the Harpy and Hizdahr as being in league with them, Dany ruthlessly feeds both of them to Drogon and installs a new government for Meereen. Following a slave revolt on the Volantene fleet, as the slaves believe her to be Azor Ahai reborn, Danaerys takes command of it and the Ironborn's ships, transporting a sizeable part of her total forces.

    Using her fleet, Drogon and Viserion (now ridden by Tyrion) and support from inside the city, Danaerys lays waste to Volantis and frees the slaves there as well, gaining even more followers. Against Jorah and Tyrion's advice, Danaerys decides to follow the Lord of Light to assure her new army's loyalty. She then heads to Pentos and does the same: with her dragons and her armies, Danaerys has become practically unstoppable. She forces Illyrio to tell her the truth about Aegon and he eventually admits that Aegon is not Rhaegar's son - he's Illyrio's. For manipulating her and Viserys and trying to put a mummer's dragon on the Iron Throne, Danaerys kills him and gives Pentos over to the rule of the Tattered Prince.

    Commandeering more ships in Pentos, Danaerys finally sets sail for Westeros and decides to land at the place where it all began: Dragonstone. With her dragons, Dany is quickly able to conquer the fortress and sets it up as a staging point for her real goal: King's Landing.

    4) King Euron Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands: The Iron Islands, one dragon

    Euron was always planning an attack on Oldtown: by attacking the Arbor and then abandoning it, Euron is able to divert the Redwyne fleet and pin it down in the Redwyne Straits, leaving him free to strike at Oldtown instead. By carrying some of their ships from the Mander to the Honeywine, they're able to catch the city by surprise from two directions. The city, however, is never really what Euron was after: it was Blood and Fire, a rare book on dragons whose only copy lies in the Citadel - the same one that Jaqen H'ghar has been sent by the Faceless Men to obtain, wanting to guard Braavos now that dragons have returned to the world. With the main forces of the Hightowers pre-occupied with the massive attack from the south, the Ironborn are able to enter Oldtown from the north. Samwell and Alleras (revealed to be Sarella Sand) take part in the battle.

    When the Hightowers and their allies begin pressing the advantage in the naval battle, Euron uses his warlocks to summon a kraken from the depths. The kraken is killed eventually, but it still looks like the city may be lost to the Ironborn - until Aegon and Jon Connington show up with the Golden Company, the Stormlords, allies from the Reach and several thousand Dornish Spears. Euron has no choice but to retreat with his forces and begins heading back to the Shield Islands.

    During the battle, Sam and Sarella kill Jaqen at the Citadel, though he reveals that magic is returning to the world along with the dragons; Sam realises that this probably means that the Others are growing stronger as well. Having heard rumours by then that Jon was killed and having found more knowledge on the Others, Sam decides that his Maester training will have to be cut short for now and that he must return to the Wall. With the Lannister/Tyrell regime collapsing with the death of Margaery and Aegon suddenly becoming a very serious contender for the Iron Throne thanks to the support of the Reach, Sarella advises Sam to travel with her and the other Dornish as they move to take King's Landing and move to the North from there: Aegon has to be convinced of the threat that the Others pose. Sam agrees and, in so doing, hopes to assist Jon as well.

    Later, at the Shield Islands, Euron seems to be in a bad position: the Ironborn have sustained pretty heavy losses at Oldtown, there's been no word of Victarion and the Iron Fleet and Asha and Aeron have joined forces to wrest control of the Iron Islands away from Euron, supported by King Jon Stark, the new King in the North. But Euron is patiently waiting and that patience is rewarded: Rhaegal arrives to serve his new master. By having the dusky woman put Victarion's blood on the Dragonhorn, Euron has tricked Victarion into sacrificing himself, control of one of the dragons passing to his nearest kin - Euron himself. Euron was never planning on marrying Danaerys. He is Ironborn: he will take what is his by force - even the Iron Throne.

    With Rhaegal under his control, Euron begins to lay waste to the Reach.
  • Neverím že Tyrion osedlá draka, jedine ak s mágiou, podľa mňa fyzicky nebude schopný skrotiť draka.
  • Já to jenom prolítla a připadá mi to jako další pouhá snůška zbožných přání, takže... :roll:
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    MissUtahraptor napsal(a):

    Já to jenom prolítla a připadá mi to jako další pouhá snůška zbožných přání, takže... :roll:

    Najvtipnejší je Jon, the King :D To skôr bude kráľovať ríši červov než Severu (taký krutý by Martin nebol...)
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Moje zbožné prianie

    Theon si na poslednú chvíľu uvedomí, že sa smrti bojí a ako posledné slová povie, že Bran a Rickon žijú a že Jeyne nie je Arya, potom sa tam zjavia havrany, ktoré budú kričať Branovo, Theonovo alebo Stannisovo meno a Theon bude mať víziu o tom, kde je Bran. Ja viem, moc heroické, ale tož :D Nuž a tak severania tomu uveria a Stannis, hoci na pochybách, dá Theonovi milosť ak sa pridá k Nočnej hliadke a nájde Brana. Theon príde k zmätenej Hliadke bez vodcu a bude Wall-POV, pokým sa na konci Jon neprebudí a pošle Theona za Zeď - nech tam buď zomrie za trest alebo privedie jeho brata späť.
  • Dany a spol. by měli jít tak na Jih až by vylezli na Severu z druhé strany a překvapili Jiné ze severu :D.
  • @MissUtahraptor Mne tak už pripadá všetko nové čo sa objavý... ako len som to preletel.. ale neverím že Aegon bude na Iron kresle..
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Gardien napsal(a):

    @MissUtahraptor Mne tak už pripadá všetko nové čo sa objavý... ako len som to preletel.. ale neverím že Aegon bude na Iron kresle..

    Ani ja, skôr Tyrellovia dostanú moc, po ktorej bažia aby to premiešalo karty...
  • upraveno 14. dubna 2013
    @10patto12 tak tohle je asi nejpromyšlenější teorie co jsem zatím viděl. super. Věci tam do sebe dobře zapadají. Vztah Sansa+Aegon by mohl být zajímavý

    A taky se mi líbí to jak se drak pomocí rohu dostane až k Euronovi
  • @10patto12 Veľmi pekná teória, ale podľa mňa by si malíček nenechal ujsť veci s pod kontroly a nedopustil by to. Všetci vieme, čo malíček dokáže. A Jon je podľa mňa mŕtvy úplne, na 100% skapatý :D
    A podľa mňa je Aegon pravý.
    Nemôže byť Ilyriov, len si to predstavte. Ilyrio by spolodil dieťa s nejakou Blackfyre ženou a nevedel by ako bude vyzerať. On nemohol mať potuchy, či to dieťa bude vyzerať ako Targaryen, alebo podedí od samotného Ilyria a dať Conningtonovi dieťa, s ktorého vyrastie nejaký Pentosský spratok a vydávať ho za Rhaegarovho syna ... no podľa mňa je to Targaryen.
    Keď Varys zabil Kevana tiež mu to potvrdil a nevidím dôvod prečo by mal Kevanovi klamať. Mohol umierajúceho muža zastrašiť (nemal dôvod klamať mŕtvemu mužovi), že na trón nastúpi nepravý Targaryen a oklamú celú ríšu, ale on mu povedal, že to je Rhaegarov syn. A ak by bol Aegon falošný, tak by to Varys určite vedel.
    Je možné, že to je Blackfyre, ale určite nemá nič spoločné s Ilyriom (rodinne)
  • @Tenebris Ono tá časť s Malíčkom môže dopadnúť presne ako je to tam približne napísané. Už taký Tywin Lannister umrel s tým, že mal takmer kontrolu nad celým Westerosem. GRRM nám ukázal veľa krát ako úspešný človek po jednej chybičke umiera. Malíčkovov chybičkou sa stane Sansa.
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    upraveno 14. dubna 2013
    Tenebris napsal(a):

    A Jon je podľa mňa mŕtvy úplne, na 100% skapatý :D

    A GRRM šialený :dance: Bomba!
    Ak Jon zomrie, nie žeby som ho mal rád, tak to bude pre príbeh prínosné asi ako šunka v ústach Samwella Tarlyho. Ak má Jon zomrieť, tak viac úžitkovo, toto by mi prišlo ako - už ma Jon nudí, odkrágľujem ho a Azorom Ahaiom bude Thormund...
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    10patto12 napsal(a):

    ... kontrolu nad celým Westerosem.

    :-| Rovina ho chcela okašľať, Dorne ho chcelo okašľať, Búrlivé krajiny ho chceli okašľať, Sever ho chcel z časti okašľať, Riečne krajiny pod zbytkami rebélie a Údolie ho pod rukou Malíčka tiež chcelo okašľať... Neviem, či som jediný, kto si pod "mať pod kontrolou" predstavoval niečo iné...
    Ešte som zabudol na to, ako II povstalo v rebélií...
  • @Branislav_Gepeto A skropí meČ v krvi milovaného Jona :-*
  • @Branislav_Gepeto Kontrola je ako si napísal asi silné slovo, ale moc mal najväčšiu. Každý rod mal zadné vrátka, ale vždy to boli len a len plány, ktoré mohli a nemohli výjsť. A ktoré mohli alebo nemuseli naplniť.
  • A čo si myslíte o Aegonovom pôvode ?
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Niekto tu nadhodil teóriu o tom, že je to syn Illyria Mopatisa a mne sa páči.
  • jinak myslim že Jon ožije, protože mne nenapadá jediný významný důvod, proč by ji G.R.R.M. nechal na zdi
  • @Tenebris Narozdíl od Gepeta pevně doufám, že je pravý :-)
  • GepetoGepeto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    brbr napsal(a):

    @Tenebris Narozdíl od Gepeta pevně doufám, že je pravý :-)

    Tak ako aj mne by sa páčilo, keby je pravý, ale tá teórie o tom že je Illyriov syn mala dobrý základ, aj ten detail, že na Illyriovi bolo vidieť, že je smutný - chýba mu Mladý Gryf. :) Nehovorím, že jej verím alebo nie (aj keď asi hej), ale páči sa mi.
Abys mohl komentovat, musíš se přihlásit nebo zaregistrovat.