[Spoiler] Vichry zimy
GRRM měl v plánu započít práce na šestém dílu ságy Píseň ledu a ohně v lednu 2012. Nicméně několik kapitol, které se nevešly do Tance s draky, už má hotových.
V prosinci roku 2011 také zveřejnil první ukázkovou kapitolu, kterou si můžete díky Aruthovi přečíst v českém překladu....
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V prosinci roku 2011 také zveřejnil první ukázkovou kapitolu, kterou si můžete díky Aruthovi přečíst v českém překladu....
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Abys mohl komentovat, musíš se přihlásit nebo zaregistrovat.
The second Barristan Selmy chapter in "Winds of Winter" will pick up just at the start of the Battle of Meeren as Selmy leads the fight to strike the first blow against Yunkai'I forces. His forces are made up of not just the mercenaries and the Unsullied, but also pitfighters. Barristan's goal in sallying out is to destroy the trebuchets that are flinging the plague ridden corpses into the city. At this point Barristan's forces seem to have gotten the advantage and broken the weakest links in the slaver armies. At the same time he sees that the Greyjoy fleet led by Victarion have arrived and pull into Slavers Bay at this point Ser Barristan believes they have won saying, "It's like Baelor Breakspear and Prince Maekar, the hammer and the anvil. We have them! We have them!" At this point it might almost be safe to say the city of Meereen is saved provided Victarion doesn't betray Selmy. Remember that he thinks that he is coming to the aid of Danerys who is out on the Dothraki Sea with Drogon. Lets not forget the notoriously fickle loyalty of the sellswords, both the Stormcrows and Second Sons are likely to switch sides. There's also the element of the dragon horn and what will happen if Vicatarion blows it, can he really take control of the dragons?
While we do have good "Winds of Winter" spoilers in the form of all the sample chapters that have been released and educated fan speculation, there is still no real consensus on the "Winds of Winter" release date aside from George Martin saying that he is working on it and would like fans to stop pressuring him about it, "Sometimes I just wish [the fans] would stop pressuring me about it. It will be done when it's done. [...] I'm a slow writer, I've always been a slow writer, and these are gigantic books." He also acknowledged that the HBO show was rapidly catching up with him so that he would have to write faster, "as [Game of Thrones] comes closer and closer, I need to go faster and faster." On top of that Martin also left open the possibility that the series may go beyond seven books, "I think it will be [finished] in seven books, but I've been wrong about that before."
veľmi vtipné + tú vetu som od neho už toľko krát počul že mi v hlave znel jeho hlas
Tak mě napadá, dokážete někdo poradit, jak připravit svoje anglické znalosti na přečtení knihy v originále? Anglicky jsem přečetla jenom kapitolu Alayne z Vichrů a celkem jsem to zvládala, jediné, čemu jsem nerozuměla, byl ten vtip s kořením.
Jinak jsem v originále taky přečetla 7. díl Harryho Pottera, ale to asi není úplně srovnatelné, a taky ještě pár takových "casual" knih.
hmmm, zní to nějak podezřele slibně...
Dufam, ze v tomto vesmire :)